Training and Events

ABDA Training and Events
(see the Training And Events menu in the top menu bar for information on specific events)
Arctic Bird Dog Association hosts several events throughout the summer months on privately owned property in the Point MacKenzie area which is also available for training.
Events include non-competitive AKC licensed hunting tests where your dog can perform at different levels against standards established for upland bird hunting dogs by the American Kennel Club. We also host an annual Family Day and competition Chukar Challenges.
The training season kicks off every year with the Novice Bird Dog Class in April & May. Then various member groups meet regularly throughout the summer for informal training sessions. The club has also recently sponsored weekend training clinics with professional trainers from the lower 48 states.
A real benefit to membership is our annual Birds for Training Program. The club supplies chukar partridges to our members for their training needs through the program.
(website banner photos courtesy of ABDA member Mike Chihuly)